Cracked Tooth

All you need to know about fractured tooth !

A dental fracture or cracked tooth is a very common complain of patients who report in dental clinics. So today we are going to talk about this and let you know how to prevent such fractures from happening in your life and it’s management . 

So, what is Cracked tooth ? 

A cracked tooth results from chewing hard or tough substances or because of grinding teeth at night ie. Bruxism . It happens naturally as well because of old age in which the teeth becomes weak and prone to mechanical injury.

What causes cracked tooth to happen in people?

  • There are various causes of cracked tooth which includes Bruxism ie. grinding of teeth at night which puts pressure on the tooth and thus weakens them . 
  • Due to enormous fillings which takes a lot of space and makes the integrity of tooth weak. 
  • In happens naturally in old aged people due to decreasing strength of the tooth. 
  • Because of putting teeth or your mouth under abrupt temperature changes ie. taking simultaneously hot and cold water or food. 
  • Chewing hard food,candy , ice and nuts which require lot of force for mastication. 
  • Trauma due to accidents , sports injury also causes fractures.

What are the symptoms shown by a cracked teeth ?

If you have cracked tooth then you will experience pain while biting or chewing food substances especially whenever you release your bite from it. It can be accompanied with swelling around the tooth in the gums and soft tissue. Moreover sensitivity to hot and cold food substances will be present . 

It is also said that the infection from this tooth can spread and cause pus formation,fever, bad breath and tender lymph nodes. 

So how to manage a cracked tooth case ?

There are various treatment modalities of a cracked tooth which basically depend upon the size of the crack and till where it extends . 

Bonding is a procedure which involves filling of resin into the crack to stabilise and restoring its looks and functions. 

Crowns are the prosthesis which is given in such tooth to restore its esthetics and functions. Now it depends you can give it directly or ask the patient to undergo treatment of RCT(root canal) then to go for it. 

If the tooth is extremely damaged and it’s prognosis is poor then we suggest for extraction as it cannot be saved in any condition. 

How Today’s Dental can help you?

Today’s dental provides you with the best clinical environment with world class services for you and your family . Our dentists are highly experienced and will give you a friendly and secure space for the treatments you need . So if you also have any above mentioned symptoms then do contact us , we will be very happy to solve all your queries.

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