Cosmetic Dentistry

Smile confidently! 

What is Cosmetic Dentistry ?

Today in this modern era we have inventions and improvements in every field ! Cosmetic dentistry is the same in the dental world where we help you in treating all your flaws related to your teeth and provide you with the best Smile possible . People who have discoloured teeth, cracked or fractured teeth , stained , chipped , misaligned teeth , cosmetic dentistry provides them with various treatment possibilities to improve the esthetics and get the best smile makeover for them. So if you want to know more about this modern dentistry then stick with us till the end ! 

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Various types of Cosmetic Dentistry : 

Dental veneers : these are the thin covers or shells which are customised according to the patient needs made up of tooth coloured porcelain. These cover the front surface of your tooth by bonding with resin to the tooth thus can help in hiding any stained , cracked , misaligned tooth. In layman terms it is called the “Hollywood teeth “ . No doubt the treatment is costly but the veneers last very long, you just need to maintain a proper oral hygienic condition. 

Implants: Dental implants are the replacement tooth which are fixed or drilled into the bony tooth socket . These are the best alternative to young people with tooth loss . They are made up of titanium which is a biocompatible material and does not have any complication with use. The implants are drilled into the bone and new bone formation occcurs leading to proper anchorage of the implant with time. 

Crowns: Dental crowns are in high demand because of its variety of functions which they provide . Crowns are basically caps which fit over any tooth and maintain its integrity . Any cracked , grossly decayed , fractured or highly stained tooth can be covered by a cap which is customly made by doing tooth preparation and taking impression. It then restores its shape and function and prevent the tooth from further wear . 

Inlays and onlays: these are alternatives of dental crowns or indirect fillings , which are made in laboratory. Inlays are done when filling is required inside the cavity from the centre of the tooth while onlays are done when filling is required in the cavity involving the biting surface or the cusps of the tooth. These can be made from porcelain or other metals and are very strong and durable . 

Hopefully you guys must have understood what help can you get from a cosmetic dentist and thus we are glad to let you know that we at Today’s dental provide you the best treatment procedures from dentists who are experienced and fully trained. Thus if you have any queries or want to book your appointments then do contact us. We will be very happy to help you ! 

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