Effects of Alcohol on your teeth:

Alcoholic beverages are not limited to a particular season or month,its the most favourite drinks of all time which people of all ages are having in different forms from so long. Although these beverages , if taken in moderation limits the harm but if are taken in excessive amount then can be detrimental to the body for example liver failure or sugar imbalance. But do you know it has equal effects on your teeth and gums  as well ? If you are interested to know then stick with us till the end .

So, who are moderate drinkers ? Women having one drink per day or men having two drinks per day are under this moderate ones and are at low risk. Heavy drinkers are said to be the ones who take more than fifteen drinks per week and are a very high risk of getting major gum disease or cancers. So what are the side effects of having these drinks generally ? Let’s have it a look! 

Dry Mouth: Drying of mouth is one of the problems people start facing on excessive drinking. As saliva helps in plaques removal and prevent gum diseases as well , it can start causing problems in future and can lead to excessive dryness of mouth. 

Staining : There can be staining of the teeth as well. as these beverages have chromogens which can adhere to the tooth enamel and can impart colour to it thus wines or dark sodas can lead to yellowish or brownish discolouration if your teeth. 

Tooth Decay : Alcoholic beverages have a very high sugar content so these sugars in your mouth can lead to cavities as the bacteria as present in your mouth feeds on these sugars and release acid attacking the tooth and causing sensitivity or dental caries. 

How to protect your teeth from such problems ? 

As we all know, we can’t avoid such drinks totally but can maintain a proper oral hygiene routine which helps in preventing the problems one have from drinking Alcohol. Taking proper care of your teeth should be our one of the priorities so let’s see how? 

  • Try to choose a better drink first for yourself with low sugar content and low acidity levels like light beers or Gin. These prevent the major effects from happening. 
  • Always rinse your mouth with water after having such drinks thoroughly to prevent staining . 
  • Brushing regularly followed by flossing can help in prevention of cavities or gum diseases.
  • Warm saline rinses are said to be very good for your gums and prevents sensitivity. 
  • Never forget to consult the dentist if you have any problem.they can help you with everything . 

Hopefully you would have understood why it’s important to take care of your teeth . Anything you drink or eat has direct impact on your both systemic and oral health. So follow a good diet and if you want to know or have any queries regarding Alcohol and it’s effects then kindly contact us for more information. We at Dentist in Perrysburg , will be very happy to help you! 

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