Dry Socket : Post extraction complication

Ever had your tooth removed and you were in such severe pain that you couldn’t help but cry? That’s a condition called dry socket !So, here today we are going to discuss about this common complication of extraction i.e dry socket also called as Alveolar osteitis.

What is Dry socket?

It is a painful condition which occurs commonly after removal of adult teeth. It generally occurs after a few days of extraction on the removal or dislodgement of blood clot that is formed at that site due to poor hygiene or not following post instructions properly. Because of this the underlying bone gets exposed along with the nerves causing tremendous pain to the patient accompanied by bad breath. 

What are the symptoms of Dry socket?

Dry socket is often a very painful condition in which the patient complaints of throbbing pain starting from the extraction site to the ears , eyes or neck. the other common symptom is bad breath. 

How a dry socket occurs? 

Dry socket is probably caused because of not taking care of the wound. the extraction site needs to be healed properly. if you are not taking good care and not following the post instructions properly then you might get it. you need to maintain proper oral hygiene methods as well to keep your wound clean. make sure of not eating hard substances or leaving behind food lodged into your extraction site. 

moreover, cigarette smokers or tobacco chewers are also at a high chance of this complication. the chemicals from these things will slow the healing rate of wound or can even dislodge the blood clot on the act of inhaling. 

Women who are on oral contraceptives can also get this complication, as the high levels of estrogen slower the rate of healing. 

How to treat Dry socket?

Treatment of Dry socket is a normal condition in which cleaning of the socket is done by medicated washes. Dentists then give a dressing over it and suggests you warm saline rinses 4-5 times a day. they even give you a gauze soaked in medicated solution and instructs you how to remove it after sometime. 

Painkillers are given and most commonly a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory pain reliever is prescribed. 

A followup appointment is given to the patient to have a look at the status of the extraction site after one week. 

So, if you are also going through such symptoms then visit our Dentist in Perrysburg as soon as possible to get your treatment done. we are always here to help you, Book your appointment now! 

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